ZIE 700
15W-40 API CI4 PLUS/SL Synthetic Engine Oil
Zie 700 is an extra high performance diesel engine oil that provides excellent lubrication of today's diesel engines
promoting extended engine life. This high performance has been proven in the field in a wide variety of industries,
applications, and mixed fleets.
Made from high performance base oils and a superior balanced additive package to provide best engine
performance in modern diesel and gasoline engines as well as older models.
High thermal and oxidation stability reduced sludge formation and deposits. It also helps to increase viscosity of oil
High TBN reserves deposit control and acid neutralization
Very good wear protection , controls viscosity by having good shear stability
Cleans Engine well due to advanced Detergency and dispersancy additives
Improved soot handling and excellent low temperature properties
Excellent low temperature properties and having good compatibility with seal